Locatie/Location status updates

Omdat (helaas) het locatiekanaal (geofencing) soms wat te wensen overlaat, leek het mij handiger om alle statusupdates te geven in één post. Voordat je met een vraag komt, controleer dus eerst even hieronder wat de status is van iOS dan wel Android met betrekking tot geofencing (locatie). De updates worden in het Engels beschreven, mocht dit een probleem zijn, laat het even weten!

N.B. Dit gaat puur om het locatiekanaal, niet het WiFi-kanaal (Android)

Because (sadly) the location channel (geofencing) is not always equally trustworthy, it seemed more convenient to me to combine all future updates into one post. So before you start a new topic, please check below what the current status is for iOS or Android concerning geofencing (location)

Note: This is purely about the location channel, not the WiFi-channel (Android)

If you post a (new) problem concerning geofencing, please always include the model of your phone and the version of the operating system (e.g. Samsung S10, Android 9 or iPhone Xs, iOS 12.1)

General status:

  • iOS phones should have no problems
  • Android phones have problems from Android 8 upwards. For more information, please check below.
  • There was a bug where geofencing for multiple phones did not work. This has been resolved in versions 2.24.5 and up.

iOS status:

:white_check_mark: Location should work normally

  • There was a bug when using more than one phone for geofencing. This was fixed in version 2.24.5.
  • A bug was introduced causing geofencing to stop working on iOS. This was fixed in version 2.24.4.

Android status:

:white_check_mark: Android versions 4-7: Location should work normally

:neutral_face: On Android 8 and 9, there are various problems with battery optimization causing the location channel to work unreliably.

:vertical_traffic_light:New implementation is being worked on. First internal tests expected in 1-2 weeks.

  • There is a general bug when using more than one phone for geofencing. For more details, see above.
  • Battery optimization in Android 8 and above
    • Info: Most brands of Android phones (or more specifically, their flavor of the operating system) have implemented battery optimizations. Battery optimization causes apps to have limited availability to work in the background
    • Symptoms: Symptoms include, but are not limited to:
      • Geofences not working when the battery is low
      • Geofences working (very) slowly (a delay of 5-30 minutes)
      • Geofences only triggering when the app is opened, or when a different location app (such as Google maps) is opened
    • Tips: While these are not guaranteed to improve reliability, they are recommended:
      • Turn off battery saving mode
      • Turn off battery optimization for Olisto (Olisto should automatically request this as of 2.24.2)
      • Keep the phone charged
    • Status: Because this problem is caused by the operating system, we are looking for a way around this rather than trying to fix the current implementation. This is because we cannot test for all different types of phones. As such, a fast fix is not possible.
    • Planning: We currently have 2 people of our small dev team (myself included) working the majority of their time to improve the location channel. My current, very loose, estimation is that we can test the new approach in 1-2 weeks. If successful, we should be able to release a beta version of the app for you guys to test shortly after. However, if not, we have to find a different route.
    • Want to help? You can help us by signing up for the beta program, so we have more people to test the new beta release once it comes out. You can sign up by sending me a private message with your:
      • Name
      • Olisto account email (or Facebook email/number, if connected through facebook)
      • Google play account email (as used to download apps from the play store)

Is the mixup of coming home vs leaving home also solved?
The trigger coming home is triggerd when leaving home. This causes the alarm to turn off, instead of turned on. And vice versa. (iOS)

En nu

Dit gaat wel erg lang duren nu!

@Peterbr De release ligt bij Apple, we zijn nu van hen afhankelijk

@jdimhot We tested all possible combinations and this shouldn’t be a problem in 2.24.5. However if it still is, please let me or @Michael know

https://forum.olisto.com/u/michael and https://forum.olisto.com/u/Remy Did you also test it on the new IOS13 that is coming out tomorrow?
Regards John

@jdimhot As long as you don’t select the “just once” location option, everything should work. We only have a very limited sample set though. So we’re looking forward to hearing your experiences

Version 2.24.5 has been released for iOS. The app store may take some time to reflect the changes.

Het werkt weer prima


1 like

De nieuwe versie 2.25.0 werkt op Android 8.1.0 nu helemaal niet meer. Hoe komen we nu tot een werkende versie ??

Er is iets foutgegaan, we hebben meteen erna 2.25.1 uitgebracht voor Android. Maar die heb je dan blijkbaar nog niet

Alweer problemen met locatie.
iPhone XS / Iphone XS Max
IOS 13.1.2

Ondanks de upgrade naar 2.25.2 (op Android 8.1.0) nog steeds de zelfde random problemen

Hier werkt alles eindelijk weer. Zowel Android als ios.

Een vraagje, ik gebruik locatie met tijd maar heb gemerkt dat het niet samen werkt.
Als ik een trig maak met toestal op loactien in de tijden van (… : …) u en (… : …) u.
Dan krijg ik op school of werk een melding van lampen gaan. 1 min over de tijd wat je instelt.

@l.d.hendricks Ik denk dat u voor deze trigg een Android toestel gebruikt die nog niet een geüpdatete versie van Olisto gebruikt. In dat geval blijft het toestel waarschijnlijk denken dat het op locatie Huisje is. Ik adviseer u om even uw Olisto app te updaten naar de nieuwste versie!

Thanks. Ik ga eens kijken of het nu verlopen is, anders laat ik het je wel weten.