Tuya / (Smart life / Calex / Hema / Kruidvat / Action / LSC smart connect / ...)

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Tuya can be controlled with ifttt, with olisto connect and ifttt webhooks it is posible to control tuya with olisto.

Hallo Tim,

Heb je toevallig een voorbeeld hoe je dit kunt doen?


Hallo Tim,

Heb je toevallig een voorbeeld hoe je dit kunt doen?


Tuya is a white-label manufacturer whose products are being sold by several brands. Tuya has agreements with each of those brands about who can access their API but usually this is limited to Google Home, Amazon Alexa and maybe IFTTT. So in the end it depends on the brand you’ve bought the product from but this far it’s not been possible for us to connect to any of them.

You might try to control it through IFTTT using Olisto connectors as suggested above (peoples experiences in controlling several other brands through IFTTT can be found throughout the forum).
Earlier I wrote that Tuya support may disappear from IFTTT, but as @DPAmes explained this no longer seems to be a problem.

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Tuya had a dispute with IFTTT over increased corporate partner fees back in May, and they took it to the extent of cancelling IFTTT support for the month of June. By the end of June they had negotiated a compromise with IFTTT, and service was restored as of the beginning of July.

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An update: We are currently renewing our contact with Tuya and things seem hopeful, so fingers crossed…

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What kind of functionality are you thinking of (delete what is not applicable):

Channel / More conditions or actions to existing channel / App functionality

Is the functionality already available at a service like IFTTT, Alexa or Google Home?


What functionality would you like to propose:

Integration with smartlife products. Got several sockets wich i would like to shut down all at once. IFTTT does it but i dont like IFTTT. Olisto is more user friendly.
It should be possible i think

Ik heb meerdere calex lampen in huis. Als ik deze nou zou kunnen verbinden met de andere ondersteunde 3e patrijen die wel compatible zijn. Dan zou ik alles kunnen automatiseren

Hoi Daniel, is hier al meer bekend over.
Denk dat een hoop mensen hier met smart na uitkijken

Als het goed is zoude de spullen die rond de kerst bij LIDL verkocht werden voor Home Automation ook origineel van Tuya zijn. Alleen heeft LIDL wel hun eigen app er voor uitgebracht. En ook de aansturing van de patronen voor de kerstverlichting werkt alleen via die app. Zou mooi zijn als de LIDL spullen dan ook via de TUYA koppeling aan ye sturen zijn. Al is het alleen maar dat aan en uit werkt.

Ik heb geen smart kerstverlichting van de Lidl. Wel de stekkerdozen en bewegingsmelder. Deze werken gewoon via Tuya

Ik heb ook voordat ik de gateway van LIDL ging gebruiken, de kerstverlichting aan de KAKU gehangen. EN dat werkt dus ook, alleen kan je dan alleen kleuren kiezen die in het pallet zitten. Dus alles rood, groen, blauw, bruin, paars, etc. Maar LIDL heeft dus ook 16 patronen toegevoegd, zodat je ook knipperende ledjes er tussen hebt zitten, of b.v. een bewegende nederlandse vlag er van kan maken. En dat werkt tot op heden helaas alleen als je de gateway van LIDL gebruikt en hun app.

Hi All,
Today I bring good news. Namely: If you open the Olisto app and check the channels, you will find a brand shiny new one. Indeed, Tuya has finally made it’s way into Olisto!
There are a few limitations; not all of the devices can be supported, and there are no conditions. But it should offer everything you need for most common use-cases: controlling lights, smart plugs, window blinds and scenes. It also supports some thermostats and heaters/fans, but not all.

To make this work we use an API that Tuya implemented for Home Assistant. If your device is not supported it is highly unlikely we can do anything about it; please write an email to Tuya support and ask them to support the device on their Home Assistant API. If your device does show up but mis-behaves, let us know.
Also keep in mind that if you want to control a device that is not directly available, you can always make a scene (‘Tap-to-run’) for it in the device app, and trigger that scene from your trigg.

This channel should support most brands using Tuya. Or actually the branded apps you control the devices with; that’s what matters. if you have products connected to multiple branded Tuya apps you will be asked to choose one brand during the login flow. You can only have one such brand connected to Olisto at a time. However be advised that while the apps from most brands only support a limited range of devices, any Tuya based device can be connected to the Smart Life app.

We have not been able to test the channel with any devices that connect using the Zigbee bridge; if you have one, please let us know if it works.

Happy trigging,



Thanks for the new channel. I gave it a quick test, and it works for Tuya-supported WiFi lights and switches - no great surprise, since I already use the same api successfully with Home Assistant. That api has been a bit problematic for Home Assistant due to arbitrary changes by Tuya, most recently a rate limit that prevents querying the status of devices for 5 minutes after a state change. But Olisto avoids some issues by not supporting any conditions.

My Zigbee bridge isn’t supported by Tuya, so unfortunately I can’t test Zigbee devices.

Hoi Daniel, heel fijn dat Tuya nu ondersteunt wordt. Mijn dank voor het toevoegen. De lampen werken keurig. De zigbee stopcontacten worden helaas niet ondersteunt. Hopelijk volgen deze nog. Groet Henk

Hi Daniel
Goed te lezen dat Tuya is toegevoegd aan Olisto
Helaas lukt het mij niet om deze te koppelen
Na de autorisatie pagina komt hij weer terug met de eerste pagina om TuyaSmart te koppelen

Hi @rodwil56, kun je een screenshot delen van het scherm waar je weer terugkomt?
@hmaat, bedankt voor het testen van Zigbee. Ik zal dan vermelden dat het alleen werkt voor WiFi devices.

@Daniel zie nu tot mijn verbazing dat de connectie nu wel gemaakt is misschien is er een delay geweest in het aan melden maar toch bedankt voor je reactie
Groet Rob

Thanks for testing @DPAmes! That is indeed exactly why we’re not offering conditions. Plus the fact that only very few things can be queried anyway. However I must say that a query-based API can never be sustainable for these kinds of applications. Imagine having millions of users querying all their devices every second; that will become very expensive very quickly.
Tuya does have better solutions for this, as well as to control all their devices, but those are only available to the brands that sell the devices. Which is why it can help to make the brands you bought the products from aware of your interest in a connection with Olisto.