Greetings Community,
I’m Alexander. Started using Olisto after Stringify’s announcement that is shutting down since everything else running from a phone is inferior. Olisto is not perfect but at least it does some of the things i had in Stringify and it has timers! In a very inconvenient way but at least it’s there.
I’m kinda confused with the Entering or Leaving a Location condition and why it’s merged and not two seperate triggers in the location channel.
I wanna set a trigg
When it is 10 minutes before Nighttime, Enter Location Home Then Turn Dining Room Light On and Send a notification.
In a similar manner
When Left Location Home Then Turn Dining Room Light Off and Send a notification.
I achieved what i want partially with Nobody is Home and Someone is at Home. The problem though with Someone/Everyone is at home is that it will turn the light on if i’m at home and it won’t trigger only if i enter the zone for Home.
I tried to combine the triggers (Someone Enter or Left a Location and Being Home) but Olisto did not even bother to run the Trigg.
Can i have any insight on why Entering and Leaving are not 2 seperate entities and how can i achieve what i want?