Voice commands with Google Now

I would like to use my android wall tablet with google now to activate things in my Klikaanklikuit ICS-2000.

I already set up the tablet with Google now and the app Automate with the help of this link:

(Or is there another app that is better for this?)
Now I would like some way to make the connection between Automate and Triggi to turn on/off some lights or start/stop some scene.

Does anybody have an Idea? Can Triggi handle http(s) request with Json commands or something.
And/Or can/do you have to make a custom connector? If so how? I would appreciate some help in the right direction.

Kind regard,

Hi @Floriszz

You can try out Triggi Connect, with which you can make Connectors. These are unique URL’s you can hook up to your own projects. So you can make a Connector you name e.g “tablet_wall”. We generate a unique URL for you. Now it’s up to you to call this URL when you give a voice command. In the article you refer to, that would be the HTTP Request. (Disclaimer: I haven’t tested it, I don’t know Domoticz inside out or the app Automate)
Next, you make a trigg where you use the channel Triggi Connect in the condition and you select Activate Connector > tablet_wall
For the action, you can select your KlikAanKlikUit scenes and devices you want.

Now, before you start yelling to your tablet to test it :wink: you can also test it by opening the unique Connector URL in a browser. That way you can test it and tweak it to see how it all works.

Let me know if this works for you! And if it does, we want to see a video of course :smile:


I tried it. Works great!..and fast
The combination of Triggi and Automate has a lot more opportunities. Even my Yamaha receiver is controlled by voice

I use the following voice commands:

  • going to sleep (lighting in bedroom turns on, router turns off)
  • wake up (lighting in bedroom and living room turns on, router turns on)
  • watching tv (TV and receiver turns on, lighting is set tot watching TV)
  • Spotify (receiver is turned on and set to Spotify channel, phone opens Spotify app)

Wow that sounds good! I would love to feature your triggs and code on our blog if that’s possible?

In fact it is a combination of Automate, Triggi and KAKU. Automate can be combined with Google Now (speech). Automate sends an HTTP request to Triggi Connect and Triggi controls KAKU. My receiver is controlled directly from an Automate HTTP request. So in that case no Triggi is used

Thanks for the reactions.
I have been trying around, but have some questions and don’t get it completely working.
For now I have 2 triggi connect urls created which are used as ‘connector is activated’. One is used in a trigg for turning a specific light on and another trigg for turning a specific light off in KAKU.
When I check the Triggi connect urls in Firefox(without the Token, just the url with the unique code id) I get a json reaction back with something like; Called : “1”. The light goes on and off with the 2 urls, so the Triggi part works perfect!
The feedback in Firefox brings me to the question if it would be possible to just use one triggi connect url for both turning on and off, by giving a specific value in the url. But what would be the format of the url then?

The thing I don’t get to work is the voice command in Automate to call the url’s.
When I say; OK Google, the Google voice popsup and I say; ‘Licht aan’ and Google perfectly understands and opens the search results, but Automate does not do anything. See screenshot below;

Maybe this has something to do with the message in Automate as in the screenshot below
 I use a tablet with Android 4.2.2., which is quite old already.

Hi @Floriszz

What you could do is use the value that is part of the Triggi Connect URL. So you could use https://connect.triggi.com/c/YOURUNIQUEID?value=1 to turn the lamp on and https://connect.triggi.com/c/YOURUNIQUEID?value=0 to turn it off. In the condition of the trigg you should use both Triggi Connect > Connector is activated and Triggi Connect > Connector Value and give it the correct value.
You would still have to make two triggs but you can use the same Connector URL.

Hope this helps!


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Is er ergens een Nederlandse handleiding hoe je start met connect , ik zou graag ook graag Google now spraak gebruiken maar waar te beginnen

We hebben op https://olisto.com/connect/ een en ander aan uitleg staan en op dit forum kun je ook terecht voor handleidingen en how-to’s. Zie bijvoorbeeld: https://forum.triggi.com/t/google-assistant-support/469

Met vriendelijke groet,
Frank Meeuwsen

Er is, zoals @frank al aangaf, wel e.e.a. te vinden op het forum. Ik heb alleen wel gelezen en ondervonden dat het met Google Now (met een spraakbericht als “OK Goole, turn on the lights”) niet gaat werken. Blijkbaar is men in Nederland nog niet zo ver. Als je Google Allo installeert (zegmaar de Messenger van Google) kun je ook praten tegen de Google Assistant en dat blijkt wel te werken.

Misschien is het een idee om, m.b.v. screens, hier een soort stappenplan te maken hoe je met behulp van Allo, IFTTT en Olisto een trigg aan kunt sturen?