Migration / Migratie

Hey Olisto gebruikers,

We gaan onze app servers vandaag omzetten naar andere servers. Daarom zal onze app vandaag gedurende een korte periode niet bereikbaar zijn en daarnaast zullen de triggs die tijdens deze migratie af zouden moeten gaan het tijdelijk niet doen. Na de migratie zal alles weer werken zoals voorheen!

Excuses voor het ongemak namens het Olisto team.

Hey Olisto users,

We are going to migrate our app servers to other servers today. Therefore, our app will be unavailable for a short period today and the triggs that should be activating during this migration will not work temporarily. After the migration, everything will work again as before!

Sorry for the inconvenience on behalf of the Olisto team.


I’d like to share this issue that I noticed:
The Olisto variables (that can be used in actions with a text area) for the Honeywell (Lyric T6) channel are not jet producing good results. Normally I would expect a result like ‘20,5°C’ on the ‘Thermostat Current temperature’ variable, but at this moment it returns the value: ‘onbekend’. (Which is Dutch for ‘unknown’.)

Hi, are you still experiencing this issue? It could have taken some time for the variable to get its value again.

No, the issue is solved.Thank you.

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