To know if my irrigation system in my garden is due in the morning I would like to know how many mm of rain fell yesterday., I can read in how many mm is expected today, but I would like to know if enough has fallen so that the system does not need. I see this in the Foreca website, but not in Olisto
I have a netatmo weather station with raingauge. One of the trigg options here is rainfall last 24 hours. Ok it will cost you, but then you have your own weather station also and it can interact with olisto on rain, wind and temperature
This requires a little work, but what I do to get the weather data I want is to pull it from the web site of the weather service - in my case, Environment Canada. To do that I created a Google Script that runs in my Google account on Google’s servers. Anyone can do that - it’s free, and the limits Google puts on it are very generous.
You need to be able to understand the html source of the weather data web page, and be able to write a simple program in Javascript. Basically you download the current weather web page, parse the html for the weather data you want, do any necessary format conversion, then issue an html get/put/post command to send the data to another web address. There are lots of examples to help. Feel free to ask for my code if you want.
Google Scripts cannot be triggered by a webhook, only by a timer. But that’s ok, the weather site only updates every 30 minutes anyway, and you can store persistent data in your Google account.
I send the data from my Google script to my Home Assistant server, but you can also send it to Olisto. An Olisto Connect channel acts like a persistent variable, remembering the last value it was set to.
It would be great to See your code, to See or I can handle it . Do I have a website for it to run?
Greetings Chris
Your script runs in your free Google Docs account on Google’s servers. You don’t need a web site of your own. Generally you start from Google Sheets with a blank spreadsheet and create your script in the script editor, but the script is actually saved separately and doesn’t have to reference that sheet unless you want to. Reasonable tutorial here :
In this case you are not creating a standalone Google app that you run by logging in to your Google account. This script you can set to run every 30 minutes, check the weather web page, and send the information elsewhere. I’ll send you the script code as a message rather than take up space here.
Thanks, I Will look into it
DPAmes: I would appreciate it if you could send me the script code as well. Thanks in advance.