What kind of functionality are you thinking of:
A new channel: ______
More conditions or actions for an existing channel: ______
App features
Please add the correct tags [app-improvement, missing-channel, more-conditions or more-conditions] for the type of feature, and (if applicable) the related, existing channel.
This functionality has not been asked before:
I have searched the forum and I can’t find a similar topic. (If you did, vote for that topic instead of making a new one)
Is the functionality already available at a service like IFTTT, Alexa or Google Home?
This gives us an indication whether or not there is an API available. Wanna be the MVP, send us a direct link to their API documentation.
Yes, Alexa
Yes, Google Home
Yes, another: _____
No, not relevant
[x ] No, not available
What functionality would you like to propose:
Write a short description of the feature, or name the brand you would like to see connected. Feel free to add any screenshots or photos
Ik heb een eurom elektrische radiator die verbonden is met mijn WiFi netwerk en te bedienen is via mijn netwerk. De radiator zou ik graag automatisch willen bedienen. Bijvoorbeeld als mijn toon aanspringt om naar 19,5 graden te verwarmen de radiator ook verwarmd naar bijvoorbeeld 20graden.