Echo says "[Olisto Command] is not responding"

App version:
Phone OS:
My echo devices are no longer able to activate my triggs. Alexa says “Upper Lights Dim is not responding” (or other command in place of the “upper lights dim” command). The triggs all work fine from the app on my phone/ipad.

Do you have this as reported issue and/or a time to fix? I have spent over an hour with Amazon support and they can’t get it working either! Creating new now buttons with associated trig is also not discovered with echo discovery.

Ik krijg niet de melding, maar er is wel sprake van dat er geen communicatie meer is tussen Alexa en de Now Buttons

This was not a know issue, but might be related to the outages from yesterday night. We are looking into it and will get back to you ASAP

Ook ik krijg de melding en geen enkele functie meer helaas.

Could you guys try again?

Just tested a few command via Alexa and pleased to report all appears to be working. Many thanks.

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Werkt weer!

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ja, werkt weer