API Authorization Failure in Postman

I have created an account using the phone app and I’m trying to get a list of the units on my account by using API calls through Postman. I have one smart plug added through the Tuya Smart Life channel.

I have made a call with the credentials in the body to the following endpoint: https://connect.olisto.com/api/v2/user/session

After I have received my access token and the userId, I have made a call to the following endpoint:

I added in the Params the owner: the userId
So what I expected to happen was to see the list of units available on my account, but I constantly get Unauthorized Access. I have made sure to select Bearer token as Autorization type and I have added the access token.

This is the documentation I’ve used: https://connect.olisto.com/documentation/api/#section/Authentication
Does anyone have any idea why this isn’t working?