Alexa Action as trigger for alexa routines

Dear community, I am currently looking for a solution to trigger a new alexa routine with a trigg.

Use case: If netatmo deceted a temperature higher than 23 degrees start a alexa routine.
The routine starts my fan. I have connected the fan via broadlink to alexa.

Do you have any idea how implement this?

Best Paul

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Im Looking for the Same Feature. For Ifttt there is a Tool called Send Alexa Action by mkzense. It Can link an ifttt Applet With an Alexa Routine like „if Carbon dioxide is above 1000ppm then Alexasend triggers Ventilator“
But Netatmo doesnt Seem to Work wird ifttt. Is there Similar Solution for Olisto avaiable?


Currently this is not supported in Olisto, but it sounds like a very nice feature to request :wink:

Dear Daniel, could you please give us some tips for this request.
Should we send it to Broadlink or Olisto?

Maybe it’s easier to implement a feature to trigger Alexa routines directly?

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Would be great, if this feature will get implemented!

What I meant is to make a feature request in the forum, over here: so that others can vote for it.

And how do I post something there ? I would love to be able to trigger a Alexa routine, I rather not use url trigger skill that I can get on Alexa as it’s not secure.

I generally use Home Assistant to trigger an Alexa routine. The combination of Olisto, Home Assistant, and Alexa is very useful, with each providing an important contribution. But Home Assistant requires you to run your own always-on home server, and the Linux-based setup and maintenance can be a bit tricky.

There are other possibilities. Several Alexa skills are available to create virtual Alexa “buttons” linked to webhooks. They can be used to trigger an Alexa routine. Most offer some free capability. I use a few of these, including the one by mkZense:

Also Alexa can now trigger routines on the operation of any supported device, so if you can operate a device from Olisto (for example a TP-Link light or switch), it can trigger an Alexa routine.